Food and nutrition education traditionally takes place in health and technology classes
However, lessons and education on healthy eating apply to all learning areas. FreshSNAP has created a range of resources to support teachers and educators in delivering nutrition and healthy eating education.
Curriculum materials have been developed for Kindergarten to Year 10 and align with the Western Australian and Australian Curriculum. Depending on the focus area, nutrition content and pedagogical approach, each FreshSNAP unit is linked to one of the following learning areas:
- Health and Physical Education.
- Mathematics.
- Design and Technologies (Home economics).
- English.
- Science.
The resources have been designed to give teachers ultimate flexibility on unit delivery. This means the teacher can decide how many units to teach, the order of delivery and the time spent on each unit. Therefore, nutrition and healthy eating education can be the learning focus for a week, a term or spread over the year.
FreshSNAP would like to acknowledge the work and expertise of Refresh.ED, based out of Edith Cowan University, who initially developed the teaching and curriculum resources.
To support teachers and educators in implementing FreshSNAP all units follow a similar format. Each unit has three to six learning tasks, and learning tasks are structured under the Key Messages headings of Introducing, Developing and Reflecting. While the delivery is flexible, it is recommended that the unit is taught in this sequence so students progressively build their learning. A scope and sequence and sequential learning guide has been developed to further support teachers. You can access the scope and sequence and sequential learning guides on the Resources for Teachers section of the website.

What do the lesson plans contain?
Each FreshSNAP lesson plan contains the following:
- Teaching steps and background information.
- Resource list and activity sheets.
- Suggested time allocation. This is a guide only, and the actual time for delivery will depend on prior learning, depth of exploration etc.
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FreshSNAP (Fresh School Nutrition Advisory Service) is delivered by National Nutrition Foundation with funding from the Department of Health Western Australia. FreshSNAP is a FREE state-wide service that supports the creation of a whole of school healthy eating environment. We provide free menu assessments and traffic light training, as well as a range of resources, including recipes, curriculum materials and nutrition education.
Yes. The Healthy Food and Drink Policy has been incorporated into the Department of Educations Student Health in Public Schools Policy. You can access the requirements about healthy food and drink by accessing the Student Health in Public Schools procedures, Appendix B. Healthy Food and Drink.
There are now more food and drinks classified as GREEN. The freshSNAP team are here to guide and support you through the changes.
Canteen/food service menus must meet the following requirements:
- GREEN items – account for a minimum of 60% of the menu
- AMBER items – account for a maximum of 40% of the menu, with savoury commercial products that are AMBER items offered on a maximum of two days per week:
- Where an AMBER item has been reclassified as a RED item it may be included on the menu and included in your AMBER count. These items may only be offered on the same two days a week as AMBER’s savoury commercial products. You can learn more about these ‘selected RED items’ here
- This cannot be applied retrospectively. Once a RED item has been removed from a menu, it cannot be re-introduced.
- RED items are not on the menu (other than those included in your AMBER content as outlined above).
The Department of Health Western Australia has developed a new WA School Food and Drink Criteria to classify food and drinks provided in WA schools according to the traffic light system: GREEN (healthiest), AMBER, or RED (less healthy). The WA School Food and Drink Criteria underpins the Student Health in Public Schools procedures, Appendix B. Healthy Food and Drink.
Some menu items will have a new traffic light classification. There are now more food and drinks classified as GREEN! Examples of items that are now GREEN include:
- Full fat dairy (milk, cheese and yoghurt)
- All canned vegetables, legumes and fish (there is no longer a need to be salt reduced to be GREEN)
- Cheese and cracker snack packs
- Plain popcorn
To learn more about the classification of menu items, reach out the freshSNAP team to book an Introduction to the WA School Food and Drink Criteria Training Session. You can contact the freshSNAP team here.
The Department of Education Student Health in Public Schools procedures, Appendix B. Healthy Food and Drink permits the sale of ‘selected RED items’ in WA school canteens. These ‘selected RED items’ are included in the maximum 40% AMBER count and may only be offered on the same two days a week as AMBER savoury commercial products. Once a ‘selected RED item’ has been removed from a menu it cannot be re-introduced.
‘Selected RED items’ must meet the WA School Food and Drink Criteria to be sold in WA school canteens. If the criteria are not met, the item is classified as RED and cannot be on the menu.
You can learn more about ‘selected RED items’ here, or search for the product in FoodChecker to check its classification.
To assess a product, recipe or full menu visit FoodChecker.
FoodChecker is a one-of-a-kind digital tool which supports WA schools, residential colleges and boarding houses in creating healthy food and drink environments. This FREE online tools allows you to search for products and view their classification against the WA School Food and Drink Criteria.
FreshSNAP offers free training for canteen staff, teaching staff and university students. These sessions can be offered in person or online depending on participant numbers and content topics. Sign up to our mailing list to stay up to date with upcoming public training sessions or contact the team today to discuss your requirements.
Yes, all FreshSNAP services are free of charge.
It might seem like there are a lot of changes. FreshSNAP has put together a comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide to support you through these changes. You can access the guide here.
Remember, the friendly freshSNAP team are just a phone call or email away. The team is here to support you and your school in creating healthy food and drink environments. You can contact us by calling (08) 6182 2260 or emailing
The freshSNAP team are here to support WA schools, residential colleges and boarding houses to create healthy food and drink environments. FreshSNAP’s support services include product, recipe and menu assessments, one-on-one consultations, lesson plans and professional development sessions for teachers.
To find out how we can support your school, contact the freshSNAP team today:
Reach out here:
Call: (08) 6182 2260
Don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram too!
Follow us @freshsnapwa
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